Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Easter 2014

Hello Family
Easter is at Koppernick this year.

Mom and Dad have offered to bring the ham.
I don't know yet what I want to make.
Your offerings are welcome. If you let me know I will post here so we can try to avoid an improperly balanced meal.

Love to all of you,
Catherine and Bob

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Thanksgiving Menu

The Thanksgiving Menu is developing

Cranberry Sauce - Mom
Chicken Broccoli Cupcakes - Don
Green Vegetable - Dave
Dressing - Mom
Cooked Carrots - Catherine
Mashed Potatoes - Colleen
Dessert - Jonelle

Monday, October 28, 2013

New Tenant - Not Who You Think

Bob and I seem to have a new house guest. We have noticed a raccoon hanging around the roof and a piece of the siding had been removed. Recently I heard something scratching and nestling in the bedroom ceiling.

Bob went up to replace the siding and discovered that the raccoon had burrowed her way in and was in the attic. We called Michigan Animal Control and they were out today. We’ll have to wait a few days to see if she returns and get trapped or if the male pheromones the Animal Control guy placed near the nest is enough to keep her away.

This post is also a test to see if Dad gets emails when something new is posted.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Hey family,
Bob and I would like to invite you to our place for Thanksgiving.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hello family,
I am sitting with Dad at his 80th birthday party. We thought we would try using this site again for family activities and notes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Relay for Life

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that I am participating in Relay for Life this year with a team from the bank here in New Mexico. I don't want anyone to feel obligated but if you would like to donate for my team, there is a website that takes you directly to my page.

Miss you all a lot. xoxo.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Melissa and Sherrie's garage sale

Hello all!

In case you haven't heard Sherrie and I have a lot of crap in our garage! We have therefore decided that a garage sale is a great idea. Papa, Colleen and Karen have said they will be adding to the sale so anyone else who has some things are welcome to add it. The sale will be Thursday June 11th-Sunday June 14th.

I have friends who are bringing things as well so in order for everyone to get their money I would like everyone to choose a different color sticker and price their items before dropping them off. I have had people who would rather just get rid of their crap so if you don't want the money you can drop the stuff off and we will price it.

Any questions or concerns please post a comment on this post. I want to see how the blog will work while Papa and I discuss the needs of our family to select a proper website. :)
